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Importance of Music in our Society

Music can be said to be instrumental sounds or vocals or the combination of the two to produce harmony. Our Society has various types of music genres that you can listen to. These genres include rock, jazz, classical music, country music. heavy metal, hip-hop, and blues. People listen to different kinds of genres are based on their taste and preferences of music. Society needs to have music because this expresses who they are and what they do. We have different artists of music who writes and also perform music based on their cultures and there focus on the type of music they want to produce.

It is also important to know that music can also be classified into contemporary music secular music and gospel music. Music is played on different occasions that include burials wedding parties and even graduations. You can listen to music in two different ways one it could be a music concert whereby you attend a music event or you can play a compact disc in your house or in your car to listen to music. Live music concerts are very refreshing because you get to interact with the different genres of music and also get to listen to music with many people which is fun. It is important for our society to have different kinds of music. This article discusses the importance of music in our society.

Music expresses our culture and what we believe in as a community. Having different cultures in our society it is very important for our community to express themselves through music for others to learn about their culture and also to know that they embrace cultural differences. We have different types of Culture in our Society, for example, we have the American and the African culture. American and African culture has different ways of doing things and what they believe in. Culture can express these rules and what they believe in for their Society through music so that others may learn from them. People who are born at a later time we will be able to know their culture through this music because Music does not die.

Another importance of music is that it enables people to express themselves in terms of their feelings and emotions. People express themselves through music to show joy love and sadness. ?Love songs Express a feeling of love towards someone and show that a person is thinking about them and that he cares about them.

Music can also stimulate a person’s mind. When people listen to music so attentively they can understand the theme the Harmony and the melody of the songs that are being sung. This incredible Focus allows a person to be lost in a foreign world because the music has really gotten into the mind of a person.

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