Wfg Associate Membership Agreement Form

Online Affiliate Marketing is a cooperative income-sharing venture between a website owner and an online merchant. The website owner places advertisements on their website to either assist in selling the merchant’s products or direct potential customers to the merchant’s website, all in exchange for a portion of the profits.

Affiliate Marketing Program

An affiliate marketing program is sometimes referred to as an affiliate program, and it may also be called a pay-for-performance program or an associate program. An affiliate program serves as a marketing tool for the e-business operating it, known as the merchant or advertiser, and it serves as a revenue source for the e-business participating in it, known as an affiliate, associate, or publisher.

There are three ways to earn money through affiliate marketing:

1) Pay per Click or Cost-per-click affiliate programs: Each time a potential customer leaves the affiliate website by clicking on a link leading to the merchant’s website, a certain amount of money is deposited into the affiliate’s account. This amount can vary from pennies to dollars, depending on the product and the commission rate.

2) Pay per Lead or Cost-per-lead affiliate programs: The merchant pays the affiliate a fixed fee for each visitor who clicks through and takes an action at the merchant’s site, such as completing an online survey, registering at the site, or subscribing to receive emails.

3) Pay per Sale or Cost-per-sale affiliate programs: Whenever a sale is made as a result of advertising on the affiliate’s website, a percentage or commission is deposited into the affiliate’s account.

The Amazon Story

The world’s largest online bookstore provides one of the most successful examples of an affiliate program, known as their associate program. Amazon currently boasts over 1 million affiliates, meaning that more than a million websites actively promote their products every second of every day. Amazon generates over 40% of its revenue through its affiliate program, amounting to over $3 billion in annual revenue. As another example (though smaller in comparison), Zeald generates over 50% of its revenue using its unique affiliate program. While not in the billions, this equates to millions of dollars in revenue each year.

Numerous diverse e-businesses operate affiliate programs, including Barnes & Noble, Dell, and Rackspace Managed Hosting, among others.

Affiliate Programs as a Marketing Tool

There are two major advantages for merchants:

1. Directly tying marketing efforts to leads or sales.
2. Paying only for tangible results.

There are also two major advantages for affiliates:

1. An additional source of revenue, particularly for affiliates who also sell products or services.
2. The primary source of revenue for affiliates offering entertainment or information.

Two Approaches to Running a Successful Affiliate Marketing

1. Building a large affiliate membership. For instance, Amazon’s associates program has over 1 million members from various backgrounds:

– RVPart – Sells parts for recreational vehicles and motorhomes.
– Dilbert – A site for viewing cartoons, playing games, and sending electronic greeting cards, among other activities.
– Books for Managers – A site that provides business reviews and lists of the current top-selling business-related books from publications such as Business Week, The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and more.
– HarperCollins – A site to promote its authors and their books. However, like many book publishers, HarperCollins sells its books through bookstores rather than directly to the public.

2. Acquiring a smaller number of highly effective affiliates with substantial website traffic that offers web page content, products, and services directly related to the merchant’s offerings.

Affiliate Programs as a Revenue Source

Participating in an affiliate program and maximizing your participation involves:

– Selecting the right merchant and affiliate program for your e-business.
– Understanding the terms of the affiliate agreement.
– Adding custom links to the merchant’s site from affiliate web pages.
– Building traffic on your affiliate site to increase click-throughs to the merchant’s site.

Top 10 Tips for Choosing the Right Affiliate Program

1. Identify a product or service for which there is a demand, and one that you genuinely enjoy promoting. Start by searching for “Affiliate Programs” in search engines.

2. Ensure that the product or service is relevant to your website.

3. Join a long-standing, reputable affiliate program with a good reputation, as verified by organizations like the Better Business Bureau and online forums and discussion groups.

4. Examine the commission structure and select a program that pays at least 35% to ensure successful business operations.

5. Ensure that there is a reliable tracking system in place to record clicks and sales generated through text links, banners, and other advertisements.

6. Consider the “hits per sale ratio” to gauge how much traffic is needed before a sale is made.

7. Understand the frequency of commission payments; avoid programs requiring excessive sales to reach the minimum payout threshold.

8. Choose between single-tier and two-tier affiliate programs, with two-tier programs offering additional benefits.

9. Opt for organizations that provide a range of tools and resources, including banners, text links, brochures, websites, and training.

10. Carefully read and comprehend the affiliate agreement before joining, regardless of the program’s reputation.

Us Bank Dealer Agreement

Are you a savvy shopper? If so, you’re probably always looking for ways to save money on your purchases, especially when it comes to buying a car.

A smart consumer knows how to haggle. There’s no way around it. This is particularly true when dealing with a used car dealer. In a capitalist economy, haggling is a necessary skill. It’s similar to opening a bank account to save money—you also need to be able to negotiate. While bargaining can be frustrating, especially when it involves cars, it can be highly rewarding if it means saving a significant amount of money.

Dodge dealers often share stories about being invited to lunch by clients, only to find out that the real purpose is to have a quiet place to negotiate. In places like the Middle East and Asia, haggling has been a tradition as long as free trade itself. It’s common to see buyers actively negotiating with experienced sellers in flea markets. Some consumers even boast about “winning” a purchase through successful haggling. If you’re one of these seasoned negotiators, you’ve likely saved a lot just by actively pursuing your desired price.

Still not convinced? Here are some simple tips for successful haggling:

1. **Know the price of the vehicle**. Before entering a used car dealer’s office, be aware of the Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) or the market price of your desired car model. Being informed will help you set the terms of your negotiation. The good news is that you can find this information from numerous sources, such as dealer websites or from friends who have experience haggling with used car dealers. Knowing the market price ensures you won’t be taken advantage of.

2. **Fight for your ideal price**. Determine your ideal price by doing the research mentioned above. Once you’ve set your mind on it, stick to your initial price when you enter the dealer’s office. This initial price will serve as the basis for your negotiation.

3. **Thoroughly examine the car**. Trust is key in a consumer-retailer relationship. Don’t hesitate to ask the dealer to let you inspect the car before starting the negotiation. Check for scratches, potential part replacements, paint jobs, small dents, and other issues. Also, inquire about the vehicle’s warranty.

4. **State your initial price bid, considering the car’s defects**. This is where the negotiation gets intense. Start with a price proposal lower than your desired price. Point out any flaws the car has as justification for your lower bid. If the warranty is due to expire soon, use that as leverage. If the dealer doesn’t accept your offer, ask for their best price or compare prices from other used car dealers. If the car seems in decent condition, continue to stress your low bid. As a practical consumer, this is well within your rights.

Tawhid Travel Agreement


First, undertake an analysis of one’s current business travel purchasing. Expect to make savings which can be between 5%-10%. Additionally, have a look at ways of making improvements to processes and procedures. A travel tender review is a superb opportunity to instigate change.

Your recommendations ought to be written in to a “Business Case” for undertaking a travel tender.

Stage 2

Prepare a supplier prequalification document containing counsel made in stage 1. This will conserve time the way it eliminates this company travel suppliers who will be not fitted to servicing your travel tender requirements.

Most travel suppliers will extol their capabilities whilst ignoring the potential for loss to this company travel buyer. The prequalification stage helps you to mitigate your risk.

Stage 3, requires the design of the leading business travel tender document. It must cover financial and service aspects. Most business travel suppliers or travel management companies (TMC’s) offer similar services.

You want exactly the best fit for your own personal company requirements. This could be a worldwide travel management company or even a smaller niche operator. There is not a 1 hour size fits all approach simply by asking insightful and revealing questions would you like to confidently source a supplier suitable for your needs.

Stage 4

The evaluation of the travel tender requires in-depth analysis and that we recommend you have a weighting system. The weighting allows you remove any subjectivity and represents the significance and importance on your own company needs.

The evaluation is supported which has a final report highlighting the real key differentiators from travel suppliers. The entire process is transparent and may be verified for auditing purposes.

Stage 5, specializes in the negotiation of contract terms and types of conditions, designing a website level agreement containing key performance indicators, and helping with final implementation.

In Summary

The above is usually a simplified version of your business travel tender project plan. It can be undertaken in certain short months. Using this structure will assure that travel tender projects are delivered punctually and within budget.

If you’re interested in tendering your travel account, we are able to help you by either undertaking your entire project for you or coaching you through the method.

If you want to discuss how this process works in greater detail then have you thought to get in contact with us. You’ll find our data at the bottom in the page.

Alternatively, in case you are only thinking of a business travel tender and it’s really still one method or another off, have you thought to subscribe to receive our free report “Planning a Successful Business Travel Agreement”.

U S and Canada Sign Free Trade Agreement

This year, we have been confronted with a significant test to your sovereignty. And the most worrying part is most Malaysians do not know what’s going on.

I was driving the northern regions recently and casually asked Pak Haji, a padi farmer and Umno stalwart in the late 50s, if he’d heard on the Malaysia-United States Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and that is currently being negotiated. He said he’d read about it inside Malay newspapers yet , didn’t know very well what it was exactly about.

I told to him which the FTA became a legally binding document between our country and also the US which may abolish many tariffs and non-tariff trade barriers, and gives each other preferential access to the other’s market. I was met using a blank expression on his face. He then talked about, “What’s inside for me?”

Good question. I told him that currently there exists a 40 percent tariff on rice imports to safeguard people like him and also to enable us to get almost self-sufficient in rice above the next few years. I explained that had been part of the answer why he saw people smuggling rice during his shopping trips to Padang Besar with the Thai border.

He desired to know what would happen when the US could freely export their rice into Malaysia. I had to see him that this US as well as other developed countries had very high subsidies on farming which in some cases it had been better to certainly be a cow in Europe than the usual farmer in sub-Saharan Africa (the normal Euro cow gets US$2 — RM7 — daily of subsidy and that is more than what half the people within the developing world survive).

His laughter trailed off quickly when I told him that US rice farmers were so heavily subsidized actually able to sell at 25 % below production cost which means US rice could flood our market and force Pak Haji and 116,000 other padi farmers jobless.

He said surely the us govenment wasn’t planning to commit to this absurd agreement. I couldn’t provide him a reply. Although I knew the us govenment doesn’t want to add rice inside the market access list for that FTA, the US was pushing hard because of its inclusion. It may well be on the list of 58 contentious issues that your Minister of International Trade and Industry alluded to when she was asked recently concerning the status in the talks without actually saying whatever they were.

That’s just rice. The litany of concerns surrounding this FTA is considerably long. Apart from rice, the agricultural sector overall has cause of worry.

Currently our applied tariff for foodstuffs range from 10-40 percent, tending to be effectively removed within the FTA. This will have a very profound relation to the agricultural sector that’s experiencing a brand new lease of life underneath the Prime Minister’s green revolution.

After Mexico inked the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) together with the US and Canada, at the least a third in their farmers were impoverished a result of the subsidized US corn that flooded in their market.

The US is notorious for safeguarding their farmers, and in some cases then you cannot assume all American farmers benefit since only one percent of farms (usually rich, corporate farms) receive almost 25 percent of subsidies.

And as you move the whole point on the FTA is reciprocity, to put it differently what you produce I provide you with equally, market access for your agricultural products towards the US may continue to be stymied notwithstanding the agreement.

Tariffs aren’t the sole way to block imports, and our agro-exporters continues to confront arbitrary health standards and photon-sanitary conditions designed to defend the American consumer from disease.

The issue here is the fact that sometimes these technical standards are certainly not the product of scientific evaluation but the dictates on the domestic food lobby inside US.

There can be the issue of tariff escalation. We may be hoodwinked into believing that tariffs for your agricultural produce is going to be eliminated. This may be true for recycleables that meet US health requirements, but if your food items are processed in Malaysia as well as the higher-value added items exported, it are going to be met with higher tariffs. These barriers are created to preserve higher value-added economic activity inside US and effectively consigning developing countries on the basic (and fewer lucrative) stage from the supply chain.

Trade Agreements Between Canada and Japan


Our new President rails against it, unions denigrate it, and unemployed blame it. And not without reason. On trade, jobs and economic growth, the US has performed a lot less than stellar.

Let’s go through the data, however drill down somewhat to the nuances. Undirected bluster to cut back trade deficits and grow jobs will probably stumble on those nuances. Rather, an appreciation of economic intricacies must go hand-in-hand with bold action.

So let’s investigate further.

The US Performance – Trade, Jobs and Growth

For authenticity, we choose (by all appearances) unbiased and authoritative sources. For trade balances, we make use of the ITC, International Trade Commission, in Switzerland; for US employment, we make use of the US BLS, Bureau of Labor Statistics; as well as for overall economic data across countries we stolen the World Bank.

Per the ITC, the United State amassed a merchandise trade deficit of $802 billion in 2015, the biggest such deficit of the country. This deficit exceeds the sum of the deficits for the following 18 countries. The deficit isn’t going to represent an aberration; the US merchandise trade deficit averaged $780 billion in the last 5 years, and that we have chance a deficit for all your last fifteen years.

The merchandise trade deficit hits key sectors. In 2015, gadgets ran a deficit of $167 billion; apparel $115 billion; appliances and furniture $74 billion; and autos $153 billion. Some of these deficits have raised noticeably since 2001: Consumer electronics up 427%, furniture and appliances up 311%. In terms of imports to exports, apparel imports run ten times exports, electronics 3 times; furniture and appliances four times.

Autos carries a small silver lining, the deficit up a comparatively moderate 56% in 10 years, about add up to inflation plus growth. Imports exceed exports by way of a disturbing but, in relative terms, modest 2.thrice.

On jobs, the BLS reports a loss of revenue of 5.4 million US manufacturing jobs from 1990 to 2015, a 30% drop. No other major employment category lost jobs. Four states, inside the “Belt” region, dropped 1.3 million jobs collectively.

The US economy only has stumbled forward. Real growth within the last 25 years has averaged scarcely above two percent. Income and wealth gains as period have landed mostly inside upper income groups, leaving greater swath of America feeling stagnant and anguished.

The data paint a distressing picture: the US economy, beset by persistent trade deficits, hemorrhages manufacturing jobs and flounders in low growth. This picture points – at the least at first look – to a single element of the remedy. Fight back from the flood of imports.

The Added Perspectives – Unfortunate Complexity

Unfortunately, economics rarely succumbs to simple explanations; complex interactions often underlie the dynamics.

So let’s take some added perspectives.

While the US amasses the most important merchandise trade deficit, that deficit doesn’t rank the biggest as a percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP.) Our country hits about 4.5% on that basis. The United Kingdom hits a 5.7% merchandise trade deficit like a percent of GDP; India a 6.1%, Hong Kong a 15% and United Arab Emirates an 18%. India continues to grow over 6% each year on average over the past quarter century, and Hong Kong and UAE somewhat better than 4%. Turkey, Egypt, Morocco, Ethiopia, Pakistan, in every about 50 countries run merchandise trade deficits like a group averaging 9% of GDP, but grow 3.5% each year or better.

Note the definition of “merchandise” trade deficit. Merchandise involves tangible goods – autos, Smartphones, apparel, steel. Services – legal, financial, copyright, patent, computing – represent an alternative group of goods, intangible, i.e. not easy to hold or touch. The US achieves here a trade surplus, $220 billion, the most significant of any country, a notable partial offset to your merchandise trade deficit.

The trade deficit also masks the gross dollar price of trade. The trade balance equals exports minus imports. Certainly imports represent goods not stated in a country, as well as some extent lost employment. On the other hand, exports represent the dollar importance of what have to be produced or offered, thereby employment which occurs. In exports, the US ranks first in services and second in merchandise, using a combined export valuation on $2.25 trillion each year.

Now, we seek here to not prove our trade deficit benevolent, or without adverse impact. But the data do temper our perspective.

First, with India as you example, we come across that trade deficits tend not to inherently restrict growth. Countries with deficits with a GDP basis greater than the US have cultivated faster compared to the US. And further below, we will see degrees of countries with trade surpluses, but which would not grow rapidly, again tempering a conclusion that growth depends upon trade balances.

Second, due to the importance of exports to US employment, we tend not to want action to cut back our trade deficit to secondarily restrict or hamper exports. This applies most critically where imports exceed exports by smaller margins; efforts here to scale back a trade deficit, and garner jobs, could trigger greater job losses in exports.

Sample Agreement for Financing

How To Write A Franchise Agreement

A Franchise Agreement PDF example is the greatest way to write your own personal franchise agreement. The downloadable format will need you step-by-step through the intricate means of writing a franchise agreement relative to all FTC standards. There are a lot these examples available online but picking out the one that is right for you will need knowing what the document should entail.

The franchise agreement is usually a binding legal contract. It is made from your franchisor as well as a franchisee and it is strictly enforced with the state level. Each state features its own laws governing franchise agreement contracts. The belongings in a franchise agreement will vary from state to state and b2b. Whether you do have a lawyer prepare your franchise agreement or build your individual from a franchise agreement Pdf, listed below are of the things that should be present in any PDF that you’re considering:

Franchisor’s Obligations – the document must explain what assistance will be provided by the franchise on the new franchisee. This includes operational assistance, advertising, site, marketing research, and programs.

The Franchisor, Affiliates and Predecessors -the document needs to show the type of the business plus a complete history on the business. It need to disclose corporate history, and mergers or acquisitions if applicable.

Business Experience – the main element personnel has to be identified and affiliates that is to be an integral part in the new franchise. This disclosure also needs to include everyone’s business experience for 5 years.

Bankruptcy – it have to be noted if your company or its officials have filed for bankruptcy. This information need to be for the previous 10 years. If so, what were situations and disposition in the filing?

Initial franchise fees – an idea of all fees to get incurred from the franchisee has to be given. This is to feature the initial price tag and how the amount of money will be used. If the franchisee will probably be able to obtain a refund when the deal fails should also be in making.

Litigation – any litigation whether civil or criminal have to be in the disclosure agreement. This is required for all officers, owner/operators, directors and also other executives.

Other Fees – full disclosure funds the franchisee is predicted to pay out, not tied to but including advertising, royalties, training, and insurance.

Initial Investment – there will probably be other costs aside from your initial franchise fee and this need to be estimated and disclosed to present the franchisee an idea with the true expense of doing business. This includes estimates for furniture, supplies, equipment, real estate investment and starting capital.

Restrictions/Obligations – in the event the franchise has any designated sources for equipment, supplies along with other services this have to be included inside franchise agreement. For instance with McDonald’s, Martin Brauer could be the only Transport Company allowed being used by its franchisees.

Franchisee’s Obligations – specific details should be included if your franchisee has got to lease or buy equipment. If you then have a designated supplier because of this you have to incorporate their information likewise.

Financing – what, if any, financing you as franchisor are extending to your franchisee. is a way for the lender to calculate money on the loan and offset the risk associated with the

Territory – describes the way the territory will likely be divided. The franchisor must allow franchisee know in the event the area is for being exclusive, and when not what retention rights does each party hold towards the territory.

Trademarks — must make clear in some recoverable format what trade names, logos, trademarks, and then other symbols registered with all the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office are solely the property with the franchise.

States Income Tax Reciprocity Agreement With Illinois

Income tax was imposed on both non-residents and American citizens residing and working abroad by the federal government. During World War I, citizens were encouraged to volunteer for tax payments to fund the war effort. In World War II, the government enlisted Walt Disney and his iconic character, Donald Duck, to promote voluntary tax contributions.

At the federal and state levels, income is taxed progressively across four main categories: wages/salaries, business earnings, investment returns, and capital gains. With the exception of capital gains, most types of income are aggregated and taxed at consistent rates. However, for non-residents, the tax liability varies based on the nature of the income being taxed.

The obligation to file a tax return and pay taxes hinges on factors like filing status, deductions, and the amount/type of income received. There’s no age threshold or exemption based on retirement, social security, working remotely, or student status. The key consideration is the amount of taxable income.

It’s important to note that income from various sources, including savings and investments, contributes to taxable income. Determining taxable income often entails extensive calculations, regardless of one’s employment status or other circumstances.

Similarly, there are no fixed tax rates for specific occupations or demographics like retirees, students, healthcare professionals, or public servants. The applicable tax rate is contingent upon taxable income after deductions and adjustments. Tax rates and amounts fluctuate in accordance with changes in income levels.

Self Agreement Example

Empowerment through Effective Handling of Objections and Rejections

In our daily lives, objections often outweigh acceptances, underscoring the importance of mastering the skill to handle negative feedback and convert it into a constructive and empowering force. Here are five empowering techniques to effectively deal with objections (Remember them with a hearty laugh – H.A.A.A.A):

1. **Halt**

When faced with an objection, it’s crucial to pause and listen attentively. Reacting defensively and engaging in a heated argument is a big no-no. For example, if your spouse returns home and vents about a difficult day at work:

*Husband*: “I had a tough day at work, got scolded by my boss today.” (in a tired and restless tone)

*Wife*: “It must be your fault, doing something wrong.” (in an unconcerned tone)

*Husband*: “No, I did not do anything wrong.” (in an angry mode)

*Wife*: “It must be you; your boss is such a nice person.” (rebuked aggressively)

This exchange would likely escalate into an argument, straining the relationship. Hence, taking a step back, pausing, and listening first is crucial.

2. **Acknowledge**

Following the pause and attentive listening, the next step is acknowledgment. It signifies showing care and concern for the other party’s feelings. However, it’s important to note that acknowledgment does not equate to agreement. For instance, if you’re selling a mobile phone and the customer complains that your brand is too expensive, you can acknowledge by saying, “I understand. May I know which model you compared it to that you found cheaper?” Demonstrating acknowledgment also conveys your interest in the discussion.

3. **Analyze**

After acknowledgment, probe further by asking questions to better understand and analyze the other party’s needs. Once you’ve gathered all the necessary information through probing, process it to proceed to the next step.

4. **Answer**

Post thorough analysis, strategically and directly answer the questions posed by the other party, addressing their concerns and needs precisely.

North American Free Trade Agreement Certificate of Origin 2021

Understanding the areas of the North American Free Trade Agreement is invaluable should your company is manufacturing in Mexico.

Many believe NAFTA – enacted in 1994 to erode trade and investment barriers involving the United States, Mexico and Canada – makes working in Mexico duty free. While most companies shipping merchandise to some manufacturing plant in Mexico may be eligible for a tariff-free status on the products, certain customs paperwork requirements have to be met to make sure businesses are aligned with NAFTA policies.

“Not everything visiting Mexico is duty free,” notes Steve Haywood, president of FOCUS Business Solutions, Inc., a nationally licensed U.S. Customs broker agent specializing in NAFTA Customs-regulations issues. “As you recognize, Mexico has something called Sectoral Programs, also referred to as PROSEC. Materials qualified for PROSEC might be able to enter just as one import, Mexico-duty-free, or could possibly be subject to tariffs all the way to five percent.”

PROSEC was implemented with the Mexican government as an approach of overcoming challenges faced by international factories, or maquiladoras, in Mexico after NAFTA took root. The maquiladoras’ trials stemmed from NAFTA’s Article 3, which states participants cannot waive or reduce import tariffs conditioned upon the export in the finished goods to a new NAFTA country.

While PROSEC is really a measure allowing foreign or domestic producers to petition government entities for either tariff reduction or elimination irrespective of whether the finished product are going to be sold in the country or exported, it only pertains to certain sectors from the Mexican economy – including automotive, textiles and electronics.

Companies working in Mexico usually takes advantage of PROSEC with no NAFTA certificate. Still, when a business intentions to manufacture and ship products on the States for consumption, NAFTA certificates need to be secured with the raw materials used.

Businesses shipping goods back and forth from Mexico from non-NAFTA-regulated countries also could take advantage of “Regla 8” or Rule 8 – another tool provided from the Mexican government inviting imports across its border duty free. When them are shipped on the United States after assembly, however, they’re able to encounter U.S. tariffs and could not necessarily be eligible for a NAFTA treatment, Hayward suggests.

To reap NAFTA benefits, claim PROSEC status or utilize Regla 8, a firm producing goods in Mexico for shipment for the States must first file a Certificate of Origin, which states items covered with the certificate are “originating” goods as defined in NAFTA Chapter 4. For preferential tariff consideration, the certificate have to be completed through the exporter and become in the importer’s possession once the declaration is done. Incorrect or fraudulent Certificates of Origin often means penalties to the exporter should a Customs audit occur.

Free trade – or reduced-duty trade – is a useful one business. U.S. government sources cite Canada and Mexico because top two consumers of U.S. exports this season, spending $248.2 and $163.3 billion on American goods, respectively. The United States concurrently purchased $276.4 billion in Canadian products and spent $229.7 billion on Mexican imports. Moreover, bilateral trade between Mexico as well as the States has greater than quadrupled from the last 20 years.

Medical Scientists Pharmacists and Psychologists Enterprise Agreement

As the business of owning a medical practice gets to be more competitive, many practices are looking towards a third-party medical billing service for economical solutions to maintain maximum profitability. In evaluating any medical billing service agreement it has an array of factors that you should taken into consideration – pricing of services is principal one of them. This article compares the two most common pricing approaches available from medical billing services – Percentage Based Agreements and Flat Fee per Claim – and identifies several of important points to consider when selecting a medical billing company.

Percentage Based Agreements:

Probably the most frequent approach to pricing by medical billing services would be the percentage based agreement. In this kind of agreement, the medical billing service’s fees to your practice use a percentage, usually in a single form or any other of the following:

Percentage of collections,
Percentage of gross claims submitted with the billing service,
Percentage of total collections to the overall practice.

With the 1st type above, area of collections, the medical billing company charges the practice only on net received for people claims in which it has directly assisted in collections (typically excluding monies collected on the job, for instance co-pays, deductibles, etc.). This may be the purest illustration of how a portion based agreement will tie the medical billing service’s success to your practice while safely limiting it to that particular which they possess some measurable capacity to affect. This sort of percentage based agreement benefits the practice by its “self-policing” quality- the medical billing service only makes money if the practice makes money.

In our second type, number of gross claims submitted from the billing service, the practice is charged a portion of the total amount published to insurance companies along with other payers. This might be tricky for two main reasons. First, the speed billed with an insurance company isn’t necessarily the same as the negotiated rate that is to be paid. So an allegedly competitive percentage in one medical billing service is usually drastically not the same as another medical billing service based on where the percentage is applied. Second, many of the incentive already stated is removed for follow through to claims while there is no tie-in for the results of medical billing service’s submissions.

With a portion of the total collections to the overall practice, the billing service charges for your total net received through the practice. It includes co-pays, deductibles, and then for any other monies collected on the job, not just through the service. This arrangement is normally found with full-scale practice management companies who not merely handle medical billing but may also administer staffing, scheduling, marketing, fee schedule negotiations, etc. In this arrangement, the medical billing service might be driven by incentive that you follow up on claims with payers, but gains some protection to its revenues from the other types of payment getting into the practice.